연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Virtual Lightning Talk Session
발표장 온라인
논문코드 VLT-46
발표일 --2023
발표시간 2024-04-03~04-07
논문제목 Adipocytolysis induced by fatty acid-modified gas-generating polymer
발표자 이인영
발표자 소속 한양대학교
저자 이인영, 이혜원, 이근용
소속 한양대학교
논문초록 In the treatment of obesity, nanoparticles have emerged as promising strategies for non-surgical esthetic procedures aimed at body contouring. Especially functionalized polymeric nanoparticles have shown potential to overcome challenges associated with conventional treatments, such as organ toxicity and vascular damage. We hypothesize in this study that polymer nanoparticles modified with fatty acids and capable of releasing CO2, could be useful for localized fat reduction by utilizing the active fatty acid metabolism of adipocytes. Fatty acid-modified poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles incapsulating calcium carbonate were prepared as gas-generating nanoparticulate systems, which have shown efficacy in reducing local fat in vivo. This approach may be beneficial to developing polymer nanoparticulate systems for treatment of various diseases, highlighting their versatility and therapeutic potential.